Milanese Veal escalopes is one of the most famous dishes of Italian traditional cuisine. Crunchy, mouthwatering and extremely easy to make this recipe is a must-haves in Italian cooking to satisfy the whole family. Ingredients 6 veal escalopes 100g...
Italian meatballs is a classical confort food everyone loves. My kids love making them! They melt in your mouth and are incredibly tender. Usually I fry them but I decided to thread them on bamboo skewers and bake with sweet zucchini. Ingredients 500...
A fantastic and easy recipe for homemade thick, smooth and beautifully glossy LEMON CUSTARD Ingredients 500ml whole milk 6 eggs yolks 25 gr cornflour 25 gr flour 150 sugar 2 Lemon or orange zest 1 lemon or orange peel 1 tbsps pure vanilla extract Method...
This is one of my favourites, so fresh, coloured and tasteful!! ????????? Ingredients 100g Pea shoot salad 1 large ripe avocado, sliced 2 oranges, sliced 1 pink grapefruit Large handful of radishes, thinly sliced 50 gr Feta cheese 2 tsp Dijon mustard 1...
A beautiful sunny day and thinking already about summer ????Only four, fantastic ingredients for the fastest, flavourful and richest pasta sauce ever and about 10 minutes to cook!!! Ingredients 2 large cloves garlic, thinly sliced 6 tablespoons...
If you need a delicious and impressive appetizer for your upcoming holiday gatherings these stuffed mushrooms are so impressive, full of flavour and yet they’re simple to makeThey can be assembled in advance and baked just before they’re needed.If you love...
This is a classic Italian soup that is traditionally served at Christmas. It is a rich and intense festive broth and everyone just loves it. We usually serve this Capon (the castrated rooster, usually under one year old), broth soup with tortellini or...
The best tastefully and simple recipe from Sicily. Pesto alla Trapanese (almonds and basil Sicilian pesto) recipe comes from Trapani in Sicily, and was created as an almond and tomato-based alternative to the typical basil and pine nut version. ...